GOD LIFE MINISTRIES INT’L is a faith-based, non-profit organisation on a mission to make men’s lives free, fruitful and fulfilling through the revelation of reality and the demonstration of divinity. Founded in 2015, this organisation based in Harare Zimbabwe has helped many to experience freedomĀ in all areas of life and rediscover their value andĀ purpose in life.
The Church arm of the organisation conducts soul-stirring weekly services, which double as life empowerment meetings where attendees receive teachings from the word of God, learning principles about how to live the victorious life available through Christ Jesus. Many also attend these services to receive prayer, healing, deliverance, spiritual guidance and counselling that is offered in the name of Jesus Christ just as Christ and his disciples did in the Gospels, the book of Acts and beyond.
The Dorcas Initiative is GLM’s charity arm. At God Life Ministries we believe that the believer’s life should be a life of giving and that though we may make a living by what we earn, we make a difference by what we give. Inspired by the Biblical story of Dorcas who devoted herself to caring for widows and orphans, the Dorcas Initiative seeks to provide assistance in cash and kind to the most vulnerable in society in the community where our organisation has a presence. Using pooled donations GLM organises outreach campaigns where food and cloth hampers are given to the other-priviledged.
If you’d like to partner with us on this mission and donate to the Dorcas Initiative please contact us on +263772236266 (also on Whatsapp) or via email on glm@ittaichadoka.com. We’re transparent about how all donations are used, and would love to share with you the stories of the people’s whose lives your donation would have touched.