A popular Jewish proverb recorded in the Judeo-Christian scripture reveals something very deep and insightful about the connection that exists between gifts and greatness. The scripture says, “A man’s gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men” (Proverbs 18:16).
In order for us to understand the philosophical richness of this proverb we need to take time and reflect on the different meanings and implications of the key words. One of those key words is “gift”.
I’m sure so many things come to mind when you hear or think of the word “gift”. Perhaps you recall that unforgettable present that you received as a birthday gift when you turned 16. For some they picture the raw talent of football gurus like Pele or Lionel Messi and how they skilfully control the ball to an extent that it’s hard to put a dividing line between man and ball. Yet others think of the offering they gave in church or the donation they made to an orphanage.
What is a gift really? The fundamental nature of a gift is that it is anything that is or has been ‘given’. Today’s understanding of the word gift is in two popular forms. The first understanding is of gift as in a present, donation or contribution i.e. something presented to someone for one reason or the other; the second is gift as in a talent, natural ability or skill that one possesses.
Both these meanings of gift are intertwined and by divine revelation I am convinced that the second meaning actually came to exist because of the first. A talent, ability or skill that a person has is something that has been given, donated and presented to you by the creator for the benefit of humanity.
So the only reason people today refer to a person’s talents or abilities as gifts is because those they subconsciously acknowledge that those natural abilities are God’s gift to man, God’s donation and contribution to each human entity. Talent is something which God has given to every man that’s why a talent is also a gift.
Your greatness and your greatest fulfilment in life, is found when you discover your gift and live a life of service where you share that gift with your world.