The 2 Divine Factors Of Production (1)

In creating or rather recreating the world, God used two important instruments which every human being has – instruments which if fully employed have the ability to create worlds, author life and ultimately write and re-write destiny. I’d like to introduce to these instruments to you as what I term the two divine factors of production.

According to the most popular narrative of how God created the world i.e. the Judeo-Christian narrative, “In the beginning (when) God created the Heavens and the earth, the earth was without form; and void and darkness covered the face of the deep. And God said, ‘Let there be light and there was light.‘ Reading further on in this first chapter of Genesis God goes on to recreate the world in six days before eventually resting on the seventh day.

When God wanted to recreate the broken world he didn’t use hands, feet, money or hammers. instead the creator employed the two divine factors of production: the mind and the mouth. Incidentally these two instruments are the two greatest assets he gave to man and which in essence define the uniqueness of man from beast.

The mind and the mouth are man’s two greatest assets that set man apart from the rest of God’s creation. The human mind and mouth are the two distinctive features that distinguish man from beast. The human mind has the power to think, reason and greatest of all the power to imagine. These abilities catapult man to God’s class of being, God’s realm of existence. As the scriptures say, “God has set eternity in the hearts of man.” I often love to paraphrase this scripture by saying, “God has set infinitude of time and space in the heart of man.”  What this means is that there is virtually no limit to what the human mind can think or imagine, the human mind is limitless.

The same is true of the human tongue – even though animals can procreate they cannot recreate. Though animals can make audible and sometimes intelligent sounds like what humans do – they cannot talk. They can communicate with each other and make sounds but they cannot speak which is how the creator created the world .

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After recreating the world, the creator made man the ultimate master of all his creation and gave him the tools for ultimate mastery. Without the great mind man would have long gone extinct; but using his intellect and creativity man has been beating the odds since Eden. From the discovery of fire to the invention of the internet, man has continuously propelled himself forwards to dizzy heights.

Using these two factors, great inventors of old like Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison and Nicola Tesla made time-punching inventions which the human family continues to benefit from today. Entrepreneurs like Walt Disney, Strive Masiyiwa and Steve Jobs have created new worlds of opportunity, including products and services which the world is benefiting from daily.

Whatever your vision for life is, you have these two instruments with you today, everyday and everywhere you go. If you’d understand the value of these instruments and use them as factors of production there is no limit to what you can create for yourself, your family and the entire human family. There is no limit to how much cashflow you can generate for yourself if you’d use your mind to unlock and unleash your value.

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